SICS Research Scientist was awarded the 2021 A*STAR Career Development Fund (CDF)
SICS Research Scientist was awarded the 2021 A*STAR Career Development Fund (CDF)

Heartiest congratulations to Dr Candida Vaz!
Dr Vaz is one of the recipients of the 2021 A*STAR Career Development Fund (CDF) for her project “The impact of bariatric surgery induced weight loss on the dynamics of small non-coding RNA”.
The A*STAR Career Development Fund (CDF) was established to develop the research capabilities and competitiveness of early career researchers (ECRs) in A*STAR. The funding enables junior researchers to gain valuable experience in investigator-led research and explore new ideas, thereby also fueling the innovation pipeline.
The recent CDF call saw the highest number of applications/applicants to date. Recipients were selected through a competitive process involving independent reviews by at least three international reviewers and the top proposals were recommended for direct selection or shortlisted for interviews by the CDF Selection Panel.
Congratulations Dr Vaz and best wishes for the project!
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